It will link your everyday self with your spiritual self to have better protection against any kind of psychic attack. It is a valuable tool for tapping into ancient wisdom, and for recalling past lives, whether a regression from this life or from a past life, in order to break negative patterns or to gain a better understanding of how past experiences can better assist one now. It is produced as a protection mechanism to draw off disease and injury caused by insects and fungi, heal over broken branches, or to ward off stress produced by rapid growth. Mar 07, 2023, Mightier Than the Swords: How to Deal with a Bad Tarot Reading . Posted by Michelle Gruben on Apr 27, 2017. People who suffer chronic pain or long-term maladies are often drawn to Amber to ease their burdens. You can click on the Natural Birthstone graphic below to learn more. Transparency: all graduations from perfectly clear to wholly opaque, with cloudy turbidity due to the presence of numerous air bubbles and inclusions. It has a hardness of 2 to 2.5, can be transparent to opaque, and ranges in color from a whitish and pale yellow, to the most common honey yellow/orange/brown hues associated with the color amber, to a deep brown. Made of fossilized tree resin, it has the unique ability to generate a small electric charge when rubbed with a cloth. Rather it is the organic essence of life and the energy of light within its structure that has resonated with the human spirit since the earliest man. Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985). It was also thought to help with teething pain. Raphael also Heals Illness and is the Ruler of The west wind. Mentally, amber has the power to eliminate fearful thoughts. This incense is famous for its sweet scent and strong spreading ability in the air that no other incense can replace. Vorozhey argue that jewelry made from this solar stone and silver has a magical power and ancient wisdom, a great healing power. Protector and Ruler of the dates Sept.8-12; Virgo. All too often, its so easy to be caught up in the negativity of the media or the naysaying of other people. Amber may also be used to achieve longevity, and is a marvelous gem for the elderly. Its energies will also help you rekindle the fire in a dying relationship. It will help you develop more patience and understanding of the person you love. While blue is the rarest color variation of Amber, most pieces are in the warm yellow or orange color spectrum, such as butterscotch, Citrine, cognac, cherry, or honey. The resin is used in incense blends. Amber is not strictly speaking a stone at all but is fossilized resin. Warm the resin to body temperature (using your hands) and rub on the pulse points. When it comes to love and relationships, Amber can be a potent and beneficial helper. We invite you to explore our website and find the crystal that speaks to you. Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). Dress a pink candle with Amber Oil in rituals for love, or a yellow one for success. Amber resin is a solid crystalline fragrance made from a combination of many resinoids and oleoresins (plant secretions) such as myrrh, gum frankincense, gum styrax, benzoin, sal tree, labdanum and other aromatic compounds. They are affectionate, known for their tempers and very stubborn. Paleontologists learned about life on earth millions of years ago and identified more than a thousand extinct species. Bumble Bee Jasper: Meanings, Properties and Powers, The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Amber. Youll find just the right strategy to succeed at just the right moment with Amber at your side. Amber incense is a perfect choice to create an atmosphere for stress relieving, praying, practicing yoga, meditating, or concentrating while working. It will stimulate your intellect and enhance your understanding of a lot of things. It was considered a gem of the lonely or grieving, and because it so perfectly preserved life, was used to honor the dead in funeral rites and was placed in burial tombs to guard the soul in the afterlife. Considered a "living stone", so it has no expiration date and its magical effect is eternal. The rarity of its inclusions and its purported magical and medicinal powers, made it one of the first export goods from the Baltic region to be traded for spices, salt and metals. It may be used to call in a twin soul, or for protection against negative outside influences and interference. It perfectly preserves creatures at an evolutionary point that would otherwise be unknown to us. Its also beneficial in tissue revitalization. People use Amber to eliminate negative energies, eliminate fears, acquire patience and wisdom, and even soothe bodily aches. Copal Magick. Famous varieties include cherry amber and cloudy amber; the latter often contains extractable substances such as honey. Since 2012, we have rapidly become the go-to destination for those searching for expert insights and information on crystal properties and meanings. Still others string amber beads on a red thread to protect against witches. Crystal Vaults Physical and Metaphysical Properties for PROPERTIES FOR STONE: Crystal Name: Amber: Pronunciation: am . The legend claims that even today, when storms rage in the Baltic Sea, small fragments of the underwater palace can be found washed up on shore, and one can still hear the grieving goddess cry for her lost love. As succinum was soft and easily carved, it was popular in Eastern cultures for making mouthpieces for pipes. "Amber is a . Since 2012 has been the fastest growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their meanings. Its no surprise whatsoever that Amber is used with so much prevalence in decorating spiritual places or the most relaxing areas of the home. The most obvious quality of amber is its old, (very old!) Amber is best worn directly on the skin. Blue amber promotes joy, transforming negative emotions such as fear into positive, calm . Because amber is a diverse fragrance family, its magickal uses are also broad and varied. According to ancient Roman legend, amber droplets were formed when the sisters of Phaeton, children of the sun god, cried for their brother when he crashed his father's fiery chariot. [Lembo, 60-61][Eason, 82][Raphaell, 136-137], Bringing balance and stability to ones life, Amber encourages patience and flexibility. It can help those suffering from anxiety or depression and ameliorate despair and even suicidal tendencies. It is yielding, formless, yet powerful. Rather, amber is always a blended oil. Its vibration of life force brings warmth to the inner being and imparts more of this energy into the system. Energy of a raw stone has a great amber magical properties: it gives beauty, longevity, attracts true love. Amber resin was created with the intention to heal the tree and shield it against infection. Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser that draws die-ease from the body and promotes tissue revitalization. It increases vitality and aids tissue regeneration. Amber is a natural purifier and can draw pain from the body and the mind. Amber can be found in many countries. Amber can bring relief from many physical pains and afflictions, and it will hasten your recovery period when you fall sick or suffer an injury. When the Sacral chakra is restricted or blocked, the flow of information from the mind to the body, and the body to the mind, becomes disrupted and this can lead to over-dependency on others, repression of true feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sex and sensuality and a lack of drive or enthusiasm for the things you used to love doing. Throughout history, Green Amber was thought to bring immortality and good luck. Amber is ideal for cleansing and reactivating the chakras, particularly the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, and is an excellent tool for clearing the environment in which it rests. The best way to recharge Amber is to place it in the earth overnight. Amber has a lot of great qualities that will help in healing your physical and emotional body. Amber may be used to honor Freyja (Freya), the Norse Goddess of Beauty and Love, depicted as being driven in a chariot pulled by two black cats. Amber will give you the foresight to deal with unexpected events and to react to them appropriately. Amber can be carried or worn as a healing amulet. 2729 E Moody Blvd #702 It will dissolve all traces of physical and mental exhaustion, and it will help you eliminate your fears and worries. Use Amber to enhance any space you use for repose, calm reflection, or prayer. Amber also provides the physical and emotional bodies with a protective shield capable of removing toxicity from ones life and relationships. Gold or orange crystals are used to unblock the energy flow and restore ones sense of balance, understanding and appreciation of life. As solar, fiery stones, the Romans carried them for everything from protection, to healing, to love. It is a wonderful gem for assuring promises and has been used in the renewal of marriage vows. Amber is fascinating. Amber can help to bring some welcome peace and perspective to situations like this. If you are able to, it is good to bathe and clean your house using Happiness Big Al Bath & Floor Wash before beginning. Different perfumers will adjust these three components to produce very different ambers. [Lecouteux, pp.] Amber helps remove the obstacles we place in our own way, as well as deflecting the negative energies of others. Amber brings balance and stability to our emotional lives and encourages us to cultivate a patient and flexible attitude. Egyptian Amber is generally sweet and musky. Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject. Tunisian Amber is a spicy, Oriental-style fragrance. If you are looking for powerful, versatile ingredients to help boost your spellwork, it is hard to go wrong with amber resin or oil. Nov 10, 2022, Create an Ancestor Altar for Samhain: 7 Easy Ways to Celebrate Your Honored Dead The most characteristic feature of amber is a rich, sweet and warm fragrance, sometimes with a hint of honey or even flowers. [Fernie, 322, 328][][][][][], To become Amber, the fossil resins had to undergo a second hardening period of polymerization, where the molecules linked with each other to form larger molecules, a process which took from several tens of thousands of years to millions of years, before becoming insoluble. Dress the candle with the amber oil. Gold color rays bring success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power. These stones will amplify your connection with the physical planet and connect you to the vibrations of the Earth chakra. Amber is a stone for different zodiac signs because of its energy and strength. Amber of any color has this effect but remember that Amber is formed from tree sap and resin, the ancient lifeblood of ancient trees. [Megemont, pp.] Oil of Amber, as well as succinic acid, was made from distilling the resin, and the residue was used to produce varnish. Amber is a fossil resin that is often used in jewelry. You've been chosen to get a copy for FREE lucky you! It carries energies of tenderness and affection and will imbue your relationship with many tender and affectionate moments with your loved one.